100 days smarter !
about 5 years ago, Carly Fagnani
100 days smarter at KATZ!
about 5 years ago, Deanna Casparro
Firewoman Casparro
about 5 years ago, Nurse Delgado
Officer Carter
about 5 years ago, Nurse Delgado
The Phanatic loves to read!!
about 5 years ago, Deanna Casparro
about 5 years ago, Barbara Maddonni
The Phanatic and Lefty the cat share their love of reading with Katz
about 5 years ago, Julie Brown
about 5 years ago, Barbara Maddonni
about 5 years ago, Barbara Maddonni
We love the Phanatic and reading!
about 5 years ago, Meghan Doughty
Philly Phanatic
about 5 years ago, Carly Prickitt
KATZ love to read!!
about 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Phillie Phanatic comes to KATZ!
about 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
Phillie Phanatic!!
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Phanatic day!
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Philly Phanatic Comes to Katz Dalsey! Thank you Mrs. Fagnani!
about 5 years ago, Christina McCall
Phillie Phanatic!
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Phillie Phanatic came to visit!
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Second graders are learning about money this week
about 5 years ago, Andrew Brandt