10/6/23 Newsletter
10/6 - Academy Girls Volleyball vs Riverside
10/7 - Promise Volleyball Tournament, 3pm - 9pm at XL Sports World
10/7 - ImmSchools Workshop - Know Your Rights :College Access - Language - Justice - Resources (see flyer below)
10/9 - NO SCHOOL
10/10-10/13 - Promise Respect Week (see flyer below)
10/10 - Academy Girls Volleyball vs Camden Catholic
10/12 - Academy Girls Volleyball vs Winslow
10/12 - Funding Your Future: Workshop with TD Bank (see flyer below)
10/13 - Pride & Katz Hispanic Heritage Luncheon
10/13 - Katz PreK Hispanic Heritage Fashion Show
10/13 - Promise Boys & Girls Soccer at Hainesport
10/13 - Academy Girls Volleyball vs Salem Tech
10/13 - Progress Reports
10/13 - Open Gym at Academy Parkside Campus
10/14 - Promise Volleyball Tournament, 3pm - 9pm at XL Sports World
10/16 - Katz Kindergarten Farm Animals Assembly
10/17 - Katz 1st Grade Johnson’s Farm Field Trip
10/19 - Training Workshop: First Aid, CPR & AED, hosted by the Office of Postsecondary Success (see flyer below)
10/20 - Katz ABC Boot Camp Fashion Show
10/20 - Promise 5th Grade Philly Zoo Trip
10/21 - Food Pantry at the PAC
10/25 & 16 - Promise 7th Grade National Constitution Center Trip
10/27 - Open Gym at Academy Parkside Campus
10/27 - SAVE THE DATE, Trunk or Treat & Haunted Drive Thru Events!
10/30 - Promise Picture Day
10/31 - Promise Harvest Dance (during the school day)
Thank you to all who came out to the Camden Academy ECO Ribbon Cutting & Open House last night! We are so excited for our College NOW students to have a space to truly call their own. Students in the College NOW Program take classes at Camden Academy and Camden County College. These students earn their high school diploma and associates degree at the same time, at no cost to them! We look forward to how this dedicated space will help them achieve their goals.
¡Gracias a todos los que asistieron anoche a la jornada de puertas abiertas y corte de cinta ECO de Camden Academy! Estamos muy emocionados de que nuestros estudiantes de College NOW tengan un espacio al que realmente puedan llamar suyo. Los estudiantes del programa College NOW toman clases en Camden Academy y Camden County College. Estos estudiantes obtienen su diploma de escuela secundaria y su título asociado al mismo tiempo, ¡sin costo alguno para ellos! Esperamos ver cómo este espacio dedicado les ayudará a alcanzar sus objetivos.
ENROLLMENT FOR 2024 - 2025
The enrollment application for next school year is open! If your child is already enrolled this year, you do not need to reapply. If you have additional children who you would like to attend our schools, you should submit an application. Help us by spreading the word to your family and friends! Visit https://www.promiseacademycharter.org/page/enrollment for more information and to apply!
¡La solicitud de inscripción para el próximo año escolar está abierta! Si su hijo ya está inscrito este año, no es necesario que vuelva a presentar la solicitud. Si tiene hijos adicionales a quienes le gustaría que asistieran a nuestras escuelas, debe enviar una solicitud. ¡Ayúdanos haciendo correr la voz entre tus familiares y amigos! ¡Visite https://www.promiseacademycharter.org/page/enrollment para obtener más información y presentar su solicitud!
ImmSchools Workshop